Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Top 10 Open Source Web-Based Project Management Software

This is an user contributed article.

Project management software is not just for managing software based project. It can be used for variety of other tasks too. The web-based software must provide tools for planning, organizing and managing resources to achieve project goals and objectives. A web-based project management software can be accessed through an intranet or WAN / LAN using a web browser. You don't have to install any other software on the system. The software can be easy of use with access control features (multi-user). I use project management software for all of our projects (for e.g. building a new cluster farm) for issue / bug-tracking, calender, gantt charts, email notification and much more.

Obviously I'm not the only user, the following open source software is used by some of the biggest research organizations and companies world wild. For e.g. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory uses track software or open source project such as lighttpd / phpbb use redmine software to keep track of their projects.

You use the following top 10 software for personal or business use. Keep track of all your projects in one place and finish them successfully on time.

#1: Codendi

Codendi is an open-source collaborative development platform offered by Xerox. From only one interface, it gathers, all the needed tools for software development teams: management and versioning of code, bugs, requirements, documents, reporting, tests etc. It is mainly used for managing software project processes.

#2: Redmine

Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database. It includes calendar and gantt charts to aid visual representation of projects and their deadlines.

#3: ProjectPier

ProjectPier is a Free, Open-Source, self-hosted PHP application for managing tasks, projects and teams through an intuitive web interface. ProjectPier will help your organization communicate, collaborate and get things done Its function is similar to commercial groupware/project management products, but allows the freedom and scalability of self-hosting.

#4: Trac

Trac is an open source, web-based project management and bug-tracking tool. Trac allows hyperlinking information between a computer bug database, revision control and wiki content. It also serves as a web interface to a version control system like Subversion, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs.

#5: Project HQ

Project HQ is a collaborative open source project management tool, similar to Basecamp and activeCollab. Project HQ is built on open source technologies like Python, Pylons and SQLAlchemy and is fully database independent. Project HQ uses a structured workflow to assist you in managing your projects.

#6: Collabtive

Collabtive is a web-based project management software that is being published as Open Source software. The project was started in November 2007. It strives to provide an Open Source alternative to proprietary tools like Basecamp or ActiveCollab.

#7: eGroupWare

eGroupWare is a free open source groupware software intended for businesses from small to enterprises. Its primary functions allow users to manage contacts, appointments, projects and to-do lists.

It is used either via its native web-interface, making access platform-independent, or by using different supported groupware clients, such as Kontact, Novell Evolution, or Microsoft Outlook. It can also be used by mobile phone or PDA via SyncML.

#8: KForge

KForge is an open-source (GPL) system for managing software and knowledge projects. It re-uses existing best-of-breed tools such as a versioned storage (subversion), a tracker (trac), and wiki (trac or moinmoin), integrating them with the system’s own facilities (projects, users, permissions etc). KForge also provides a complete web interface for project administration as well a fully-developed plugin system so that new services and features can be easily added.

#9: OpenGoo

It is a complete online solution focused on improving productivity, collaboration, communication and management of your teams. OpenGoo main features include document management, contact management, e-mail, project management, and time management. Text documents and presentations can be created and edited online. Files can be uploaded, organized and shared, independent of file formats.

#10: ClockingIT

ClockingIT is a free Project Management solution, which helps your team stay focused and on top of things.

Ed: The following two paragraphs added by Vivek Gite:

I also use project management software to keep track of how much time I spent per client and project.

My Personal Choice

redmine is my personal choice because I like to use ruby on rails and I often work with small teams. We track networking issues, data center issues, capacity planning, trouble tickets and much more using redmine. I can track multiple projects and its flexible role-based access control make sure only authorized eyes can view the details.

Other FOSS Project Management Software Projects

  1. JotBug
  2. Bugzilla (only bug tracking)
  3. OpenProj (desktop app - replacement for MS-project)

How do you manage your IT / software and other projects? Are you using a better option? Let us know in the comments.

About the author: Rocky Jr., is an engineer with VSNL - a leading ISP / global telecom company and a good friend of nixCraft.

Top 20 OpenSSH Server Best Security Practices

Don't tell anyone that I'm free

OpenSSH is the implementation of the SSH protocol. OpenSSH is recommended for remote login, making backups, remote file transfer via scp or sftp, and much more. SSH is perfect to keep confidentiality and integrity for data exchanged between two networks and systems. However, the main advantage is server authentication, through the use of public key cryptography. From time to time there are rumors about OpenSSH zero day exploit. Here are a few things you need to tweak in order to improve OpenSSH server security.

Default Config Files and SSH Port

  • /etc/ssh/sshd_config - OpenSSH server configuration file.
  • /etc/ssh/ssh_config - OpenSSH client configuration file.
  • ~/.ssh/ - Users ssh configuration directory.
  • ~/.ssh/authorized_keys or ~/.ssh/authorized_keys - Lists the public keys (RSA or DSA) that can be used to log into the user’s account
  • /etc/nologin - If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone except root log in.
  • /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny : Access controls lists that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are defined here.
  • SSH default port : TCP 22
SSH Session in Action

SSH Session in Action

#1: Disable OpenSSH Server

Workstations and laptop can work without OpenSSH server. If you need not to provide the remote login and file transfer capabilities of SSH, disable and remove the SSHD server. CentOS / RHEL / Fedora Linux user can disable and remove openssh-server with yum command:
# chkconfig sshd off
# yum erase openssh-server

Debian / Ubuntu Linux user can disable and remove the same with apt-get command:
# apt-get remove openssh-server
You may need to update your iptables script to remove ssh exception rule. Under CentOS / RHEL / Fedora edit the files /etc/sysconfig/iptables and /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables. Once done restart iptables service:
# service iptables restart
# service ip6tables restart

#2: Only Use SSH Protocol 2

SSH protocol version 1 (SSH-1) has man-in-the-middle attacks problems and security vulnerabilities. SSH-1 is obsolete and should be avoided at all cost. Open sshd_config file and make sure the following line exists:

Protocol 2

#3: Limit Users' SSH Access

By default all systems user can login via SSH using their password or public key. Sometime you create UNIX / Linux user account for ftp or email purpose. However, those user can login to system using ssh. They will have full access to system tools including compilers and scripting languages such as Perl, Python which can open network ports and do many other fancy things. One of my client has really outdated php script and an attacker was able to create a new account on the system via a php script. However, attacker failed to get into box via ssh because it wasn't in AllowUsers.

Only allow root, vivek and jerry user to use the system via SSH, add the following to sshd_config:

AllowUsers root vivek jerry

Alternatively, you can allow all users to login via SSH but deny only a few users, with the following line:

DenyUsers saroj anjali foo

You can also configure Linux PAM allows or deny login via the sshd server. You can allow list of group name to access or deny access to the ssh.

#4: Configure Idle Log Out Timeout Interval

User can login to server via ssh and you can set an idel timeout interval to avoid unattended ssh session. Open sshd_config and make sure following values are configured:

ClientAliveInterval 300
ClientAliveCountMax 0

You are setting an idle timeout interval in seconds (300 secs = 5 minutes). After this interval has passed, the idle user will be automatically kicked out (read as logged out). See how to automatically log BASH / TCSH / SSH users out after a period of inactivity for more details.

#5: Disable .rhosts Files

Don't read the user's ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files. Update sshd_config with the following settings:

IgnoreRhosts yes

SSH can emulate the behavior of the obsolete rsh command, just disable insecure access via RSH.

#6: Disable Host-Based Authentication

To disable host-based authentication, update sshd_config with the following option:

HostbasedAuthentication no

#7: Disable root Login via SSH

There is no need to login as root via ssh over a network. Normal users can use su or sudo (recommended) to gain root level access. This also make sure you get full auditing information about who ran privileged commands on the system via sudo. To disable root login via SSH, update sshd_config with the following line:

PermitRootLogin no

However, bob made excellent point:

Saying "don't login as root" is horseshit. It stems from the days when people sniffed the first packets of sessions so logging in as yourself and su-ing decreased the chance an attacker would see the root pw, and decreast the chance you got spoofed as to your telnet host target, You'd get your password spoofed but not root's pw. Gimme a break. this is 2005 - We have ssh, used properly it's secure. used improperly none of this 1989 will make a damn bit of difference. -Bob

#8: Enable a Warning Banner

Set a warning banner by updating sshd_config with the following line:

Banner /etc/issue

Sample /etc/issue file:

You are accessing a XYZ Government (XYZG) Information System (IS) that is provided for authorized use only.
By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions:

+ The XYZG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to,
penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM),
law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations.

+ At any time, the XYZG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS.

+ Communications using, or data stored on, this IS are not private, are subject to routine monitoring,
interception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for any XYZG authorized purpose.

+ This IS includes security measures (e.g., authentication and access controls) to protect XYZG interests--not
for your personal benefit or privacy.

+ Notwithstanding the above, using this IS does not constitute consent to PM, LE or CI investigative searching
or monitoring of the content of privileged communications, or work product, related to personal representation
or services by attorneys, psychotherapists, or clergy, and their assistants. Such communications and work
product are private and confidential. See User Agreement for details.

Above is standard sample, consult your legal team for exact user agreement and legal notice details.

#8: Firewall SSH Port # 22

You need to firewall ssh port # 22 by updating iptables or pf firewall configurations. Usually, OpenSSH server must only accept connections from your LAN or other remote WAN sites only.

Netfilter (Iptables) Configuration

Update /etc/sysconfig/iptables (Redhat and friends specific file) to accept connection only from and, enter:

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -s -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -s -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

If you've dual stacked sshd with IPv6, edit /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables (Redhat and friends specific file), enter:

 -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -s ipv6network::/ipv6mask -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

Replace ipv6network::/ipv6mask with actual IPv6 ranges.

*BSD PF Firewall Configuration

If you are using PF firewall update /etc/pf.conf as follows:

pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from {,} to $ssh_server_ip port ssh flags S/SA synproxy state

#9: Change SSH Port and Limit IP Binding

By default SSH listen to all available interfaces and IP address on the system. Limit ssh port binding and change ssh port (by default brute forcing scripts only try to connects to port # 22). To bind to and IPs and to port 300, add or correct the following line:

Port 300

A better approach to use proactive approaches scripts such as fail2ban or denyhosts (see below).

#10: Use Strong SSH Passwords and Passphrase

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to use strong user passwords and passphrase for your keys. Brute force attack works because you use dictionary based passwords. You can force users to avoid passwords against a dictionary attack and use john the ripper tool to find out existing weak passwords. Here is a sample random password generator (put in your ~/.bashrc):

genpasswd() {
local l=$1
[ "$l" == "" ] && l=20
tr -dc A-Za-z0-9_ < /dev/urandom | head -c ${l} | xargs

Run it:
genpasswd 16


#11: Use Public Key Based Authentication

Use public/private key pair with password protection for the private key. See how to use RSA and DSA key based authentication. Never ever use passphrase free key (passphrase key less) login.

#12: Use Keychain Based Authentication

keychain is a special bash script designed to make key-based authentication incredibly convenient and flexible. It offers various security benefits over passphrase-free keys. See how to setup and use keychain software.

#13: Chroot SSHD (Lock Down Users To Their Home Directories)

By default users are allowed to browse the server directories such as /etc/, /bin and so on. You can protect ssh, using os based chroot or use special tools such as rssh. With the release of OpenSSH 4.8p1 or 4.9p1, you no longer have to rely on third-party hacks such as rssh or complicated chroot(1) setups to lock users to their home directories. See this blog post about new ChrootDirectory directive to lock down users to their home directories.

#14: Use TCP Wrappers

TCP Wrapper is a host-based Networking ACL system, used to filter network access to Internet. OpenSSH does supports TCP wrappers. Just update your /etc/hosts.allow file as follows to allow SSH only from :

sshd : 

See this FAQ about setting and using TCP wrappers under Linux / Mac OS X and UNIX like operating systems.

#15: Disable Empty Passwords

You need to explicitly disallow remote login from accounts with empty passwords, update sshd_config with the following line:

PermitEmptyPasswords no

#16: Thwart SSH Crackers (Brute Force Attack)

Brute force is a method of defeating a cryptographic scheme by trying a large number of possibilities using a single or distributed computer network. To prevents brute force attacks against SSH, use the following softwares:

  • DenyHosts is a Python based security tool for SSH servers. It is intended to prevent brute force attacks on SSH servers by monitoring invalid login attempts in the authentication log and blocking the originating IP addresses.
  • Explains how to setup DenyHosts under RHEL / Fedora and CentOS Linux.
  • Fail2ban is a similar program that prevents brute force attacks against SSH.
  • security/sshguard-pf protect hosts from brute force attacks against ssh and other services using pf.
  • security/sshguard-ipfw protect hosts from brute force attacks against ssh and other services using ipfw.
  • security/sshguard-ipfilter protect hosts from brute force attacks against ssh and other services using ipfilter.
  • security/sshblock block abusive SSH login attempts.
  • security/sshit checks for SSH/FTP bruteforce and blocks given IPs.
  • BlockHosts Automatic blocking of abusive IP hosts.
  • Blacklist Get rid of those bruteforce attempts.
  • Brute Force Detection A modular shell script for parsing application logs and checking for authentication failures. It does this using a rules system where application specific options are stored including regular expressions for each unique auth format.
  • IPQ BDB filter May be considered as a fail2ban lite.

#17: Rate-limit Incoming Port # 22 Connections

Both netfilter and pf provides rate-limit option to perform simple throttling on incoming connections on port # 22.

Iptables Example

The following example will drop incoming connections which make more than 5 connection attempts upon port 22 within 60 seconds:

$IPT -I INPUT -p tcp --dport ${ssh_port} -i ${inet_if} -m state --state NEW -m recent --set
$IPT -I INPUT -p tcp --dport ${ssh_port} -i ${inet_if} -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 5 -j DROP

Call above script from your iptables scripts. Another config option:

$IPT -A INPUT  -i ${inet_if} -p tcp --dport ${ssh_port} -m state --state NEW -m limit --limit 3/min --limit-burst 3 -j ACCEPT
$IPT -A INPUT -i ${inet_if} -p tcp --dport ${ssh_port} -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
$IPT -A OUTPUT -o ${inet_if} -p tcp --sport ${ssh_port} -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# another one line example
# $IPT -A INPUT -i ${inet_if} -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -p tcp --dport 22 -m limit --limit 5/minute --limit-burst 5-j ACCEPT

See iptables man page for more details.

*BSD PF Example

The following will limits the maximum number of connections per source to 20 and rate limit the number of connections to 15 in a 5 second span. If anyone breaks our rules add them to our abusive_ips table and block them for making any further connections. Finally, flush keyword kills all states created by the matching rule which originate from the host which exceeds these limits.

table persist
block in quick from
pass in on $ext_if proto tcp to $sshd_server_ip port ssh flags S/SA keep state (max-src-conn 20, max-src-conn-rate 15/5, overload flush)

#18: Use Port Knocking

Port knocking is a method of externally opening ports on a firewall by generating a connection attempt on a set of prespecified closed ports. Once a correct sequence of connection attempts is received, the firewall rules are dynamically modified to allow the host which sent the connection attempts to connect over specific port(s). A sample port Knocking example for ssh using iptables:

$IPT -N stage1
$IPT -A stage1 -m recent --remove --name knock
$IPT -A stage1 -p tcp --dport 3456 -m recent --set --name knock2

$IPT -N stage2
$IPT -A stage2 -m recent --remove --name knock2
$IPT -A stage2 -p tcp --dport 2345 -m recent --set --name heaven

$IPT -N door
$IPT -A door -m recent --rcheck --seconds 5 --name knock2 -j stage2
$IPT -A door -m recent --rcheck --seconds 5 --name knock -j stage1
$IPT -A door -p tcp --dport 1234 -m recent --set --name knock

$IPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m recent --rcheck --seconds 5 --name heaven -j ACCEPT
$IPT -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -j doo
  • fwknop is an implementation that combines port knocking and passive OS fingerprinting.
  • Multiple-port knocking Netfilter/IPtables only implementation.

#19: Use Log Analyzer

Read your logs using logwatch or logcheck. These tools make your log reading life easier. It will go through your logs for a given period of time and make a report in the areas that you wish with the detail that you wish. Make sure LogLevel is set to INFO or DEBUG in sshd_config:

LogLevel INFO

#20: Patch OpenSSH and Operating Systems

It is recommended that you use tools such as yum, apt-get, freebsd-update and others to keep systems up to date with the latest security patches.

Other Options

To hide openssh version, you need to update source code and compile openssh again. Make sure following options are enabled in sshd_config:

#  Turn on privilege separation
UsePrivilegeSeparation yes
# Prevent the use of insecure home directory and key file permissions
StrictModes yes
# Turn on reverse name checking
VerifyReverseMapping yes
# Do you need port forwarding?
AllowTcpForwarding no
X11Forwarding no
# Specifies whether password authentication is allowed. The default is yes.
PasswordAuthentication no

Verify your sshd_config file before restarting / reloading changes:
# /usr/sbin/sshd -t

Tighter SSH security with two-factor or three-factor (or more) authentication.


  1. The official OpenSSH project.
  2. Forum thread: Failed SSH login attempts and how to avoid brute ssh attacks
  3. man pages sshd_config, ssh_config, tcpd, yum, and apt-get.

If you have a technique or handy software not mentioned here, please share in the comments below to help your fellow readers keep their openssh based server secure.

Download PDF version (193K).

BIND 9 Dynamic Update DoS Security Update

BIND 9 is an implementation of the Domain Name System (DNS) protocols. named daemon is an Internet Domain Name Server for UNIX like operating systems. Dynamic update messages may be used to update records in a master zone on a nameserver. When named receives a specially crafted dynamic update message an internal assertion check is triggered which causes named to exit. An attacker which can send DNS requests to a nameserver can cause it to exit, thus creating a Denial of Service situation. configuring named to ignore dynamic updates is NOT sufficient to protect it from this vulnerability. This exploit is public. Please upgrade immediately.

Our hosting provider seems to come under DoS attack too at the same time and their DNS server went down for couple of hours. So you may see some part of our site may not working, especially our css, js and image files comes from our service providers servers which are affected by BIND server problem.

Red Hat claims that the exploit does not affect BIND servers that do not allow dynamic updates, but the ISC claims it does affects the all versions of BIND 9. However, another update from Red hat claimed that:

Updates with similar patch are undergoing quality assurance testing now and will be released as soon as they are fully tested.

How Do I Fix This Under Debian / Ubuntu Linux?

Upgrade your vulnerable package using the following commands:
# apt-get update
# apt-get upgrade
# /etc/init.d/bind9 restart

How Do I Fix This Under FreeBSD Operating System v6x and v7.x?

To patch your system download the relevant patch from the FreeBSD below, and verify the detached PGP signature using your PGP utility.
# cd /tmp
# fetch
# fetch
# cd /usr/src
# patch < /tmp/bind.patch
# cd /usr/src/lib/bind
# make obj && make depend && make && make install
# cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/named
# make obj && make depend && make && make install
# /etc/rc.d/named restart
# rm /tmp/bind.patch

How Do I Patch RHEL / Fedora / CentOS Linux Server?

Red Hat / CentOS specific patch is available here.

Update, Jul 30, 1:31: Updated bind packages that fix a security issue are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. This update has been rated as having important security impact by the Red Hat Security Response Team. You can grab the same from RHN or simply running the following command at a shell prompt:
# yum update

CentOS Linux use will get the same in day or two.

Other Suggestions

This slashdot user suggested use of the following iptables rules via U32 matching module:

iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j DROP -m u32 --u32 '30>>27&0xF=5'

Another user at Red hat support site suggested the following workaround:

Based on the original advisory, this appears to affect only "master" servers. One standard best practice is to have one master and multiple slaves and to protect that master (no exposure to the Internet). This would seem to be a mitigation. This is a BCP (Best Common Practice) for those of us who have been doing this for years.

Another option is to use DJBDNS DNS server.

CentOS Linux Project In Trouble

CentOS Linux Project In Trouble

CentOS is a community-supported, freely-available operating system based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Lance Davis created CentOS and now he goes absent without leave. In an open letter from his fellow CentOS developers:

You have long promised a statement of CentOS project funds; to this date this has not appeared. You hold sole control of the domain with no deputy; this is not proper. You have, it seems, sole 'Founders' rights in the IRC channels with no deputy ; this is not proper.

I just hope that Lance gets back to his fellow developers and gets things sorted out for all of us. This is concerning as we've large number of servers deployed using CentOS. It gets more interesting:

Lance vanished from the project some time in 2008. Everybody needs time off from projects from time to time, so there was no real need to worry about that. What there was to worry about is the following: Lance is the only one, who can make active changes to the domain, as he "owns it". Nobody else in the team is able to add nameservers, for instance. Recently he put an anonymizing service on the domain, so that nobody from the outside can see who that domain belongs to.

The third thing - and that is the one which hurts me the most - is that Lance is the one who has access to the Google AdSense and the Paypal accounts, again without a backup. We have asked for overviews of the accounts several times now and haven’t gotten back any answers. This money was donated towards the project and could have been used for professionally made media for fairs and conventions, professionally made advertisement material for the same, hardware, community support (give out media to people who want to show off CentOS) and so on. To make it clear: Nobody in the CentOS team wants to make money off the project, we all have jobs and do CentOS in our free time.

If he's disappeared, how they are going to move all servers and domain? May be Lance can keep money and handover domain, IRC admin access to his fellow developers. What do you think?

Update (Aug-1-2009): Long Live CentOS


The CentOS Development team had a routine meeting today with Lance Davis in attendance. During the meeting a majority of issues were resolved immediately and a working agreement was reached with deadlines for remaining unresolved issues. There should be no impact to any CentOS users going forward.

The CentOS project is now in control of the and domains and owns all trademarks, materials, and artwork in the CentOS distributions.

CentOS is not dead or going away. The signers of the Open Letter are fully committed to continue the CentOS Project. Updates and new releases will continue.

Most of the Issues have been resolved, there is an action plan with agreed upon dates for any outstanding issues.

Top 5 Email Client For Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows Users

Linux comes with various GUI based email client to stay in touch with your friends and family, and share information in newsgroups with other users. The following software is similar to Outlook Express or Windows Live Mail and is used by both home and office user.

Webmail interfaces allow users to access their mail with any standard web browser, from any computer, rather than relying on an e-mail client.

However, e-mail client remains extremely popular in a large corporate environment, small business, home and power users. An e-mail client (also mail user agent (MUA)) is a frontend computer program used to manage e-mail. Mail can be stored on the client, on the server side, or in both places. Standard formats for mailboxes include Maildir and mbox.

The following are top five amazing piece of cross-platform software from various projects to make your life easy with wide variety of plug-ins / add-ons.

#1: Mozilla Thunderbird

It is an e-mail and news cross-platform client software package by Mozilla Foundation. Thunderbird can manage multiple e-mail, newsgroup and RSS accounts and supports multiple identities within accounts. Features like quick search, saved search folders , advanced message filtering, message grouping, and labels help manage and find messages. Just like Firefox, the tons of extensions and themes for this client makes it very secure and flexible to to enhance your productivity.

Fig.01: Mozilla Thunderbird

Fig.01: Mozilla Thunderbird

=> Download Mozilla Thunderbird

#2: Claws Mail

Claws Mail is a free, GTK+-based, open source email and news client. It is very light lightweight. Like Firefox , the wide variety of plug-ins for this email client makes it very flexible and secure. Claws Mail runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Unix-like systems such as Linux, BSD, and Solaris.

Fig.02: Claws Mail in Action

Fig.02: Claws Mail in Action

=> Download Claws Mail

#3: Spicebird

Spicebird is a collaboration client that provides integrated access to email, contacts, calendaring and instant messaging in a single application. It provides easy access to various web services while retaining all the advantages of a desktop application. It is developed by an Indian company called Synovel. It is a free, open source and cross-platform software.

Fig.03: Spicebird in Action (image credit Spicebird project)

Fig.03: Spicebird in Action (image credit Spicebird project)

=> Download Spicebird

#4: Zimbra Collaboration Suite (Open Source Version)

Zimbra is a client and server platform for messaging and collaboration. The web client integrates email, contacts, shared calendar, VoIP, and online document authoring in a rich browser-based interface. This is more like MS-Exchange and Outlook combo. In other words it is compatible with proprietary clients such as Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail, both through proprietary connectors, as well as the open-source Novell Evolution, so that mail, contacts, and calendar items can be synchronised from these to the ZCS server. Zimbra also provides native two-way sync to many mobile devices such as Nokia Eseries, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, iPhone with 2.0 software.

Fig.04: Zimbra (credit offical Zimbra website)

Fig.04: Zimbra (credit offical Zimbra website)

=> Download Zimbra Collaboration Suite (Open Source Version)

#5: Sylpheed

Sylpheed is a free, GTK+-based, open source email and news client. It is very light lightweight. Sylpheed runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Unix-like systems such as Linux, and BSD.

Fig.05: Sylpheed in Action

Fig.05: Sylpheed in Action

=> Download sylpheed

Comparison of E-mail Clients - Essential Features

The following tables compare general and technical information between e-mail client programs.

Feature Thunderbird Claws Mail Spicebird Zimbra Sylpheed
Cross-platform Y Y Y Y Y
Cost Free Free Free Free Free
Authentication Y Y Y Y Y
Image blocking Y Y Y Y Y
Junk filtering Y Y Y Y Y
Phishing filtering Y Y Y Y ?
Add-ons Y Y Y ? N
Thread view Y Y Y Y Y
PGP support Y Y Y ? Y
Label Messages Y Y ? Y Y
Spell Checking Y Y ? Y N
Signatures Y Y Y Y Y
Scheduled message Y ? ? ? ?
Message templates Y Y ? Y Y
Database mbox MH, mbox ? File system MH
NNTP (News) Y Y Y Y Y
RSS Feed Y Y Y Y N
iCalendar Y ? Y Y N
Paid Support ? ? ? ? Y

Y = supported; N = not supported; ? = unknown; Privacy feature; Security features; Productivity features; Cross-platform - runs on Mac OS X, Windows and UNIX like operating systems.

Other Email Clients For UNIX Like Operating Systems

  1. SeaMonkey - Mozilla SeaMonkey is an all-in-one Internet application suite that includes an Internet browser, email and newsgroup client, HTML editor, IRC chat, and web development tools. It includes a pop-up blocker, junk mail controls, and a tabbed interface.
  2. Pine (Alpine) - Alpine is a rewrite of the Pine Message System that adds support for Unicode and other features. Alpine is meant to be suitable for both inexperienced email users and the most demanding of power users.
  3. Evolution or Novell Evolution - Evolution provides integrated mail, addressbook and calendaring functionality to users of the GNOME desktop.

Our Recommendations:

  1. Claws Mail - Highly recommended for netbook user due to lightweight usage.
  2. Mozilla Thunderbird - The wide variety of add-on for this email client makes it very flexible, secure and easy to use. Highly recommended for desktop and power users.
  3. Zimbra Collaboration Suite ~ Open Source Edition or Businesses Editon - Highly recommended for business and corporate users due to its support for a broad range of email clients and mobile devices via "over the air" sync.

All of the e-mail client listed above used by me at one point or another. If you know of, or use, another e-mail client that offers better features than those mentioned here, tell us in the comments.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hacking the Dlink 502T router

I have upgraded my 256kbps ADSL to 512kbps and it is bundled with Dlink 502T router. Soon after installation I found that it runs Linux :). Hacker inside me decided to play around this router.

How do I Log in to router interface via telnet

You can login over telnet. This is common feature of all router these days and this the only way to hack into box:

=> Default IP:
=> Default Username: admin (or use root both are having UID 0)
=> Default Password: admin

WARNING! These examples are not about stealing other users bandwidth or passwords. Most A/DSL provider control many properties on their end. Hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular. This article is not about stealing or cracking other users network equipment.

I have changed IP of router to so here is my first session:
$ telnet
Sample output:

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

BusyBox on (none) login: root

BusyBox v0.61.pre (2005.05.30-08:31+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

Let us see password file, enter:
# cat /etc/passwd


Hack #3: Get more information about router hardware and Linux

Since this is tiny device most of the userland command such as free, uname etc are removed. However /proc file system provides all information.

Display CPU Information
# cat /proc/cpuinfo
Display RAM Information
# cat /proc/meminfo
# free

Display Linux versions
# cat /proc/version

Linux version 2.4.17_mvl21-malta-mips_fp_le (jenny@fd6e) (gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (release/MontaVista)) #70 Mon May 30 16:34:48 CST 2005

Display list of running Processes:
# ps

Display list of all kernel module:
# lsmod

Hack # 3: Get more information about network

Display list of all network interfaces:
# ifconfig
Get your Internet public IP info:
# ifconfig ppp0

ppp0      Link encap:Point-Point Protocol
inet Mask:
RX packets:69586 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:62540 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:80566538 (76.8 Mb) TX bytes:5349581 (5.1 Mb)

Get default routing information i.e. find out your ISP's router:
# route

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * UH 0 0 0 ppp0 * U 0 0 0 br0 * U 1 0 0 br0
default dsl-xx-00x.xx.x UG 0 0 0 ppp0

Display ethernet statics such as speed and other details:
# cat /proc/avalanche/eth0_rfc2665_stats

Display DSL modem stats:
# cat /proc/avalanche/avsar_modem_stats

Display Iptables firewall rules:
# iptables -L -n

Flush/Stop firewall rules (don't flush untile and unless you have solid reason to do it )
# /etc/flush_firewall

Hack 4 : Secure your router

(A) Open a web browser such as firefox and login to web based interface. Type url

(B) Enable Firewall
By default firewall is disabled :/? turn it on to protect your router as it runs linux. Click on Home > Wan > Scroll down and select Firewall as Enabled. Click on Apply.

(C) Change default admin password
Click on Tools > Select Administrator and type the password. > Click apply

(D) Save changes and reboot router
Click on Tools > System > Click on Save and Reboot button

Please note that most ISP including Airtel, BSNL and others these days use this router. And by default admin password is not changed by user, in addition to that some software bug exists that allows remote administration via telnet/http. So turning on firewall saves your day.

Hack # 5: Miscellaneous information

Display developer information i.e. the people behind this router development:
# cat /proc/avalanche/developers

Quickly reboot the router:
# reboot

All your binary stored in /bin/ /usr/bin /sbin directory.

Hacking BSNL Beetel 220x ADSL router (Broadcom BCM6338)

This router is based upon Broadcom BCM6338 chipset. This router is used by Airtel, BSNL and other ISPs in India.

Hack # 1 : How to Login into Router

Login over telnet. This is a common feature of all router these days and this the only way to hack into box:
Default IP:
Default Username: admin
Default Password: password

I have changed IP of router to so here is my first session:

$ telnet

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
BCM96338 ADSL Router
Login: admin
password: ********
Once you are logged in you will see menu:

Main Menu

1. ADSL Link State

This router is based upon Broadcom BCM6338 chipset. This router is used by Airtel, BSNL and other ISPs in India.

Hack # 1 : How to Login into Router

Login over telnet. This is a common feature of all router these days and this the only way to hack into box:
Default IP:
Default Username: admin
Default Password: password

I have changed IP of router to so here is my first session:

$ telnet

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
BCM96338 ADSL Router
Login: admin
password: ********
Once you are logged in you will see menu:

Main Menu

1. ADSL Link State
2. LAN
3. WAN
4. DNS Server
5. Route Setup
6. NAT
7. Firewall
8. Quality Of Service
9. Management
10. Passwords
11. Reset to Default
12. Save and Reboot
13. Exit

Hack # 2: Get out of this stupid shell menu script/program
Yup, it is stupid stuff and don't waste your time hitting CTRL+C, CTRL+D keys, to get out of this script/program (break shell script), just type sh and hit enter key at arrow prompt ->

 -> sh

And you will be taken to shell
BusyBox v1.00 (2005.09.20-19:57+0000) Built-in shell (msh)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

Hack # 3: But where is my ls command...
Type ls or dir command,

# ls

ls: not found

# dir

dir: not found

They have removed the ls and dir command. But don't worry you can use old echo command trick:

# echo *

bin dev etc lib linuxrc mnt proc sbin usr var webs

echo * is old trick which displays list of all files in current directory without using ls or dir command.

Hack #4: Looking for advanced web based configuration, use main.html
Yet another stupid thing, they have removed main.html from web based configuration. Basically main.html is use to configure advanced options of router like port forwarding, DNS setting, firewall etc.

Just type (replace with your actual router IP address) to get all advanced options.

Hack # 5: Get more information about router hardware and Linux
Since this is tiny device most of the userland command such as free, uname etc are removed. However /proc file system provides all information:

Display CPU Information

# cat /proc/cpuinfo

Display RAM Information

# cat /proc/meminfo

Display Linux versions

# cat /proc/version

Linux version (root@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version 3.4.2) #1 Tue Sep 20 15:52:07 EDT 2005

Display list of running Processes:

# ps 

Display list of all kernel module (drivers):

# cat /proc/modules

Hack # 6: Get more information about your network configuration
Display list of network interfaces

# ifconfig

Get default routing information i.e. find out your ISP's router:

# route

Display Iptables rules

# iptables -L -n

Hack 6 : Secure your router
(A) Fire web browser such as firefox and login to web based interface. Type url main.html (or

(B) Enable Firewall
Click on Security > Ip filtering > Outgoing or Incoming > Click add

(C) Change default admin password
Click on Tools > Select Administrator and type the password. > Click apply

(D) Save changes and reboot router
Click on Management > Access Control > Password > Select Admin > Setup new password

Save changes and reboot router.

Quick reboot router with reboot command:

# reboot

2. LAN
3. WAN
4. DNS Server
5. Route Setup
6. NAT
7. Firewall
8. Quality Of Service
9. Management
10. Passwords
11. Reset to Default
12. Save and Reboot
13. Exit

Hack # 2: Get out of this stupid shell menu script/program
Yup, it is stupid stuff and don't waste your time hitting CTRL+C, CTRL+D keys, to get out of this script/program (break shell script), just type sh and hit enter key at arrow prompt ->

 -> sh

And you will be taken to shell
BusyBox v1.00 (2005.09.20-19:57+0000) Built-in shell (msh)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

Hack # 3: But where is my ls command...
Type ls or dir command,

# ls

ls: not found

# dir

dir: not found

They have removed the ls and dir command. But don't worry you can use old echo command trick:

# echo *

bin dev etc lib linuxrc mnt proc sbin usr var webs

echo * is old trick which displays list of all files in current directory without using ls or dir command.

Hack #4: Looking for advanced web based configuration, use main.html
Yet another stupid thing, they have removed main.html from web based configuration. Basically main.html is use to configure advanced options of router like port forwarding, DNS setting, firewall etc.

Just type (replace with your actual router IP address) to get all advanced options.

Hack # 5: Get more information about router hardware and Linux
Since this is tiny device most of the userland command such as free, uname etc are removed. However /proc file system provides all information:

Display CPU Information

# cat /proc/cpuinfo

Display RAM Information

# cat /proc/meminfo

Display Linux versions

# cat /proc/version

Linux version (root@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version 3.4.2) #1 Tue Sep 20 15:52:07 EDT 2005

Display list of running Processes:

# ps 

Display list of all kernel module (drivers):

# cat /proc/modules

Hack # 6: Get more information about your network configuration
Display list of network interfaces

# ifconfig

Get default routing information i.e. find out your ISP's router:

# route

Display Iptables rules

# iptables -L -n

Hack 6 : Secure your router
(A) Fire web browser such as firefox and login to web based interface. Type url main.html (or

(B) Enable Firewall
Click on Security > Ip filtering > Outgoing or Incoming > Click add

(C) Change default admin password
Click on Tools > Select Administrator and type the password. > Click apply

(D) Save changes and reboot router
Click on Management > Access Control > Password > Select Admin > Setup new password

Save changes and reboot router.

Quick reboot router with reboot command:

# reboot

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