Thursday, April 28, 2022

ITC Infotech Interview Questions

==================4/25/2022====ITC Infotech===PM======
1. what is Git Rebase & GIt Merge
2. What is Pull & Merge ? 
3. What is Port Binding In Docker ?
   Some of the members in Team want to use Docker Image . How can we use ? Ans : Port Binding 
4. Scenario : There are 2 sql servers in two different regions ? how will they communicate ?
5. You want specific consumers to access SQL DB ? How will you do it ?
6. You want to send the changes directly to Prod . How will you do ?
===========4/20/2022========ITC Infotech=======
1. You want to merge a specific commit in to parent branch, How will you do ? Ans: cherryPick
2. How do you resolve code merge
3. What is your present setup for Kubernetes ?
2 Kubernetes cluster -- 1 prod & 1 non-prod
prev org : close to 18 Kubernetes . Multiple are there in multiple subscriptions
4. If you want to run certain application on certain container how do you do it ? Ans: Node affinity
5. If you want to scale your application how do you do it in Kubernetes ?
6. How do you setup Azure Monitoring  in Kuberenetes ?
7. If you want to keep different environments and separate them in Kuberenetes . How do you do them ? Ans: Namespaces
8. What is state full and State less ?
9. what is Kubernetes RBAC ?
10.Have you worked on REST APIs 

Wipro Interview Questions

1. What is azure Private end Point ?
2. How do you use Azure Automation RunBooks ?
3. What are Azure managed Identity ?
4. What is Azure Application Gateway and Azure Traffic manager ?
5. What is Azure Box ?
6. what is RTO (Recovery Time Objective) and RPO (Recovery Point Objective) ?
7. What is azure sql managed instance ?
8. Have you used Azure SQL Database ?
1. what is vmss? where did you use it ?
2. what is NSG ?
3. Difference between Application Gateway and Load Balancer ?
4. How does the request flow inside kuberenetes ?

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