PSProviders are basically data stores. you can handle those like a normal datasystem folder.
will get you a list of all the psproviders.
example: with
it was not possible to change your current location to the Registry. you had the possibility to change registry settings with cmd, but you can not handle it like a directory or cd
to the registry.
in PowerShell, the Registry is a PSProvider. means you can access it like a datasystem folder. if you type
cd hklm:
you're actually inside the local machine registry, and can access its content with Get-ChildItem
this has the advantage that you can provide for example PSDrives which actually point into the registry.
New-PSDrive -name G -PSProvider Registry -Root HKCU:\Software
The G:\ Drive is now mapped to the Current User > Software Registry. (only for the current PSSession)
There are a lot of functionalities you can do with PSProviders. you should execute and read
get-help about_providers
for further information.