1. What is azure Private end Point ?
2. How do you use Azure Automation RunBooks ?
3. What are Azure managed Identity ?
4. What is Azure Application Gateway and Azure Traffic manager ?
5. What is Azure Box ?
6. what is RTO (Recovery Time Objective) and RPO (Recovery Point Objective) ?
7. What is azure sql managed instance ?
8. Have you used Azure SQL Database ?
1. what is vmss? where did you use it ?
2. what is NSG ?
3. Difference between Application Gateway and Load Balancer ?
4. How does the request flow inside kuberenetes ?
1. What is azure Private end Point ?
2. How do you use Azure Automation RunBooks ?
3. What are Azure managed Identity ?
4. What is Azure Application Gateway and Azure Traffic manager ?
5. What is Azure Box ?
6. what is RTO (Recovery Time Objective) and RPO (Recovery Point Objective) ?
7. What is azure sql managed instance ?
8. Have you used Azure SQL Database ?
1. what is vmss? where did you use it ?
2. what is NSG ?
3. Difference between Application Gateway and Load Balancer ?
4. How does the request flow inside kuberenetes ?