Wednesday, April 20, 2022

CSE - MS Answers

1 what are functions in ARM templates ?

Below is ARM Template Format
  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "apiProfile": "",
  "parameters": {  },
  "variables": {  },
  "functions": [  ],
  "resources": [  ],
  "outputs": {  }

Within your template, you can create your own functions. These functions are available for use in your template. Typically, you define complicated expressions that you don't want to repeat throughout your template. You create the user-defined functions from expressions and functions that are supported in templates.

When defining a user function, there are some restrictions:

The function can't access variables.
The function can only use parameters that are defined in the function. When you use the parameters function within a user-defined function, you're restricted to the parameters for that function.
The function can't call other user-defined functions.
The function can't use the reference function.
Parameters for the function can't have default values.

"functions": [
"namespace": "<namespace-for-functions>",
"members": {
  "<function-name>": {
"parameters": [
"name": "<parameter-name>",
"type": "<type-of-parameter-value>"
"output": {
  "type": "<type-of-output-value>",
  "value": "<function-return-value>"

2 what are types of ARM Template Deployments ?

When deploying your resources, you specify that the deployment is either an incremental update or a complete update. The difference between these two modes is how Resource Manager handles existing resources in the resource group that aren't in the template.
For both modes, Resource Manager tries to create all resources specified in the template. If the resource already exists in the resource group and its settings are unchanged, no operation is taken for that resource. If you change the property values for a resource, the resource is updated with those new values. If you try to update the location or type of an existing resource, the deployment fails with an error. Instead, deploy a new resource with the location or type that you need.

The default mode is incremental.

Example result
To illustrate the difference between incremental and complete modes, consider the following scenario.

Resource Group contains:

Resource A
Resource B
Resource C
Template contains:

Resource A
Resource B
Resource D
When deployed in incremental mode, the resource group has:

Resource A
Resource B
Resource C
Resource D
When deployed in complete mode, Resource C is deleted. The resource group has:

Resource A
Resource B
Resource D

3 when a variable is declared in ARM template Functions that is giving null in other parts of ARM ? what could be the reason

When defining a user function, there are some restrictions:

The function can't access variables.
The function can only use parameters that are defined in the function. When you use the parameters function within a user-defined function, you're restricted to the parameters for that function.
The function can't call other user-defined functions.
The function can't use the reference function.
Parameters for the function can't have default values.

4 what is application front Door
Azure Front Door is Microsoft’s modern cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) that provides fast, reliable, and secure access between your users and your applications’ static and dynamic web content across the globe. Azure Front Door delivers your content using the Microsoft’s global edge network with hundreds of global and local POPs distributed around the world close to both your enterprise and consumer end users.

5 what is difference between Application Security Group and Network Security Group

ASGs enable you to define fine-grained network security policies based on workloads, centralized on applications, instead of explicit IP addresses. Provides the capability to group VMs with monikers and secure applications by filtering traffic from trusted segments of your network.

You can use an Azure network security group to filter network traffic to and from Azure resources in an Azure virtual network. A network security group contains security rules that allow or deny inbound network traffic to, or outbound network traffic from, several types of Azure resources. For each rule, you can specify source and destination, port, and protocol.

6 scenario : sys32 files got deleted and system is not rebooting. Backup or restore not available. How will you do ? Ans : Snapshots
7   Explain Traffic Manger routing methods
Priority: Select Priority routing when you want to have a primary service endpoint for all traffic. You can provide multiple backup endpoints in case the primary or one of the backup endpoints is unavailable.
Weighted: Select Weighted routing when you want to distribute traffic across a set of endpoints based on their weight. Set the weight the same to distribute evenly across all endpoints.
Performance: Select Performance routing when you have endpoints in different geographic locations and you want end users to use the "closest" endpoint for the lowest network latency.
Geographic: Select Geographic routing to direct users to specific endpoints (Azure, External, or Nested) based on where their DNS queries originate from geographically. With this routing method, it enables you to be in compliance with scenarios such as data sovereignty mandates, localization of content & user experience and measuring traffic from different regions.
Multivalue: Select MultiValue for Traffic Manager profiles that can only have IPv4/IPv6 addresses as endpoints. When a query is received for this profile, all healthy endpoints are returned.
Subnet: Select Subnet traffic-routing method to map sets of end-user IP address ranges to a specific endpoint. When a request is received, the endpoint returned will be the one mapped for that request’s source IP address. 

8 what is Azure File Sync
9 Difference between Traffic Manager and Load Balancer
10 How does Traffic flow from Traffic Manager to Application end point
11 what is difference between service end Points and Private end Points -- Vnets
12 what are different things involved when using Application Gateways
13 What is Lifecyscle... in Azure Storage ?
14 Scenario : One Vnet in EastUS and Other Vnet in WestUS ? How will you establish communication ?
15 Scenario: customer is using B2 VM he want to optimize its cost ? what will you suggest customer ?
16 Scenario : what are benefits of using Bastion compared to using Jump server ?why customer has to pay and use Bastion ? what do you suggest ?
17 what are different type of subscriptions ?
18 what are Access policies in KeyVault ?
19 What is Azure Advisory ?

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