Monday, October 21, 2013

You’ve learned that aliases are nicknames for cmdlets; what cmdlets are available to create, modify, export, or import aliases?

You’ve learned that aliases are nicknames for cmdlets; what cmdlets are available to
create, modify, export, or import aliases?
Help *alias
get-command -noun alia
PS C:\Users\m1024032> help *alias

Name                              Category  Module                    Synopsis                                       
----                              --------  ------                    --------                                       
Export-Alias                      Cmdlet    Microsoft.PowerShell.U... Exports information about currently defined ...
Get-Alias                         Cmdlet    Microsoft.PowerShell.U... Gets the aliases for the current session.      
Import-Alias                      Cmdlet    Microsoft.PowerShell.U... Imports an alias list from a file.             
New-Alias                         Cmdlet    Microsoft.PowerShell.U... Creates a new alias.                           
Set-Alias                         Cmdlet    Microsoft.PowerShell.U... Creates or changes an alias (alternate name)...
Alias                             Provider  Microsoft.PowerShell.Core Provides access to the Windows PowerShell al...

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