A Windows PowerShell drive is a data store location that you can access like a file system drive in Windows PowerShell. The Windows PowerShell providers create some drives for you, such as the file system drives (including C: and D:), the registry drives (HKCU: and HKLM:), and the certificate drive (Cert:), and you can create your own Windows PowerShell drives. These drives are very useful, but they are available only within Windows PowerShell. You cannot access them by using other Windows tools, such as File Explorer or Cmd.exe.
Get-Command -Noun PSdrive # gives list of commands of psdrive
help Get-PSDrive
Get-PSDrive # gives list of PSdrives
help New-PSDrive
New-PSDrive -Name Training -PSProvider FileSystem -Root D:\Trainings # creates new psdrive
New-PSDrive i FileSystem -Root \\server\Trainings # creates Network drive or Maps Network drive. 'I ' here is drive letter
Get-Command -Noun PSdrive # gives list of commands of psdrive
help Get-PSDrive
Get-PSDrive # gives list of PSdrives
help New-PSDrive
New-PSDrive -Name Training -PSProvider FileSystem -Root D:\Trainings # creates new psdrive
New-PSDrive i FileSystem -Root \\server\Trainings # creates Network drive or Maps Network drive. 'I ' here is drive letter