Sunday, December 2, 2007

How to uninstall and reinstall TCP/IP ( Winsock )

If TCP/IP is not working and the command "netsh interface ip reset resetlog.txt" fails to resolve the problem, you can try the following procedure in Windows XP, which basically enables the TCP/IP uninstall function that is normally not available in these operating systems.

In brief, you have to do the following:

  • Enable the uninstalling of TCP/IP

  • Uninstall TCP/IP

  • Reinstall TCP/IP

  • Reboot

Complete procedure

Open regedit (click on [Start], Run..., type: regedit , click on [OK]

In the left pane navigate to the following two keys and delete them:



Optional backup of the TCP/IP configuration file: Close regedit, open Windows Explorer, and locate the nettcpip.inf file in %winroot%\inf (for example in: C:\WINDOWS\inf). Make a backup copy to restore later, if needed.

Open the nettcpip.inf in the editor (for example, in notepad.exe).

Under the section [MS_TCPIP.PrimaryInstall], change "Characteristics = 0xa0" to "Characteristics = 0x80" and resave the file.

Open Network Connections, right-click on Local Area Connection, and select Properties.

Click on Install, Protocol, Have disk, and type the path to the inf folder you used above, for example: c:\windows\inf

Choose TCP/IP from the list. This will take you back to the properties screen, but now the [Uninstall] button is available, which was the purpose of the above procedure.

Highlight TCP/IP and click on [Uninstall].

If you're not in a hurry, reboot at this point. Ignore the warning messages that a lot of services are failing.

Optional: If you saved a backup copy of nettcpip.inf, restore it now.

Open Network Connections, right click on Local Area Connection, and select Properties

In the properties of Local Area Connection click Install, Protocol, "Have disk", and type the same path again, for example: c:\windows\inf

Choose TCP/IP from the list and install it. ( Refer to the Screenshots Above )



Anonymous said...

It DOES work ! Thanks from France !

Anonymous said...

THANKS from Germany !!!!! This really worked. All the netsh stuff didn´t work. You are are a guru!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! After 8 hours of lost labour i found your guide and my computer again works!
Thanks from Czech Republic :)

Anonymous said...

You've saved my life dude !!

3 days searching what Rootkit.Zero Access has destroyed just after removal. And then found this page and I did your MAGIC trick !!!!! Thanks a lot !!!!

Anonymous said...

Worked for me, Thanks from New Zealand.

Anonymous said...

Worked for me, thanks from New Zealand.

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